Tag Archives: design build lake huron

Time-honoured Memories

For generations, the family came to the lake near Bayfield and settled on a piece of land on the shoreline of Lake Huron. As the family grew, it became apparent that there was a need for change. The original cottage and surrounding out buildings were tired and in need of major renovations. The family decided on building and Oke Woodsmith was just what they needed. It was no small task as input from multiple family members was taken into consideration.

Afternoon Watch

This renovation was inspired by two things: the need to retire and to enjoy the north-westerly view of Lake Huron. There was also the need to expand and modernize the family cottage and make it flow for everyday life. Set high on the bank of Lake Huron, the tower was a necessity for the owner’s watchful eye for the day-to-day activities on the lake – “his afternoon watch “…

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