Trading Spaces
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Small Cottage Bliss…
Sunsets and More…
Casual Elegance
An entertaining cabana addition in Grand Bend Inspired by surrounding lanscape.
Renovating a home is never easy but renovating a home when you are on the other side of the world is one heck of a brave decision.
When they decided to move back to Ontario from British Columbia, the owners brought a bit of the west coast with them.
Rebuilt cottage in a mature Grand Bend subdivision incorporates modern convenience while maintaining the character of the neighbourhood – See more at: http://www.okewoodsmith.com/#sthash.SLQTgGwP.dpuf
Taking advantage of the view along the St Clair River was forefront in the addition and changes to this riverfront home.
Oke Woodsmith built this home 20 years ago and the ensuite was typical of its time. The space became small and cramped for the busy lifestyle of the owners. Working in the same footprint , Oke Woodsmith was able to capture the true space within. A stand-alone tub and glass shower walls gave the sense of volume. It was all tied together with ceramic tiled walls and vessel sinks on an open vanity.